At JonnyPops, we are on a mission to make the world better place, one pop at a time.
We are here for you during these difficult times. Now, more than ever, we believe kindness is absolutely crucial. That’s why we’ve modified our in-school Kindness Curriculum to better fit your busy schedule. Each section below represents different types of activities to do with your child. Choose from our Kindness Pledge, Kindness Stories, or Kindness Activities. Or, do all 3 - just be sure to share your stories and pictures with us!
Tap the image below to download and print your kindness pledge. Use the Discussion question Examples to help you Fill in your act of kindness on the popsicle stick!
Discussion Question Examples:
What does kindness mean to you?
How do you know when someone needs an act of kindness?
What stops us from being kind?
How do you feel after being kind to others?
kindness stories
Tap the images below to download the full story! Use the Discussion question Examples Below to start a conversation of kindness.
Discussion Question Examples:
What were some examples of kindness in the story?
Do you think emotions sometimes influence our actions and behavior? What can we do to be more mindful?
What was the lesson in this story?